
Saturday, February 26, 2011

It's starting to look like spring!

It might be gloomy and cold outside but it is beginning to feel like spring in the shop!  I've been adding new spring and easter items daily!  Just thought I would share a few pics...

Have a great day!
XO Traci


Tricia @ Vintage No. 35 said...

Love all of the items! Too cute!

Nest said...

LOVE LOVE LOVE!!! When we do make it back to IL we will probably go straight to your shop and then to the in-laws!!

Terrell said...

I just looove all the new goodies! It is certainly looking like Spring is blooming beautifully in your shop! Thank you so much for sharing these pics! Love it, girly!!
~Terrell @ Frou Frou Decor~

Dreaming of Vintage said...

I so need to get to your shop in the next few weeks!

Kris Lanae Binsfeld said...

I love your photos... everything is gorgeous! I found you through pinterest! What a great blog! I hope I get to your store someday soon!
So great!

Anonymous said...

Love your designs.

Anonymous said...

Do you have a shop online as well?