
Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Being Original...

I love giving gifts and even more love giving a gift that is just as pretty outside as inside!  When the person I am giving a gift to receives a specially wrapped gift they feel special.   When I opened Whimsy I knew I wanted each customer to feel and know just how special he/she is.  I want each purchase to feel as if they just received a gift.  Packaging is so important and it is so fun to get creative!  The way you present gifts (or in my case purchases) is your time to BE ORIGINAL - show the mood you are in or how festive you are feeling.  Since opening, each season I like to add a little "something" to my bags to go with the holiday theme.  I've had stars, hearts, snowflakes, butterflies, birds, flowers and others all made from vintage book and music note paper.  I love using vintage colored ribbons and paper shreds!  I just love my bags and love that my customers appreciate them!

I've been using my polka dot and stripe paper since day one!  I love it!

I had a friend tell me that another shop in my town is using paper items to decorate their bags. Sure enough today a customer walked in with....

Yep, a bird! Yep, made of vintage paper!
Such a cute picture and she bought a beautiful black rose bracelet to match her outfit! 
I didn't give her a bag because she wore it home:) heh!

Being original can be difficult because there is always someone somewhere that has a similar vision you do...When a situation like this happens I remind myself that it could be and hopefully is unintentional! 
I know I am original and so proud of my work!
XO Traci


  1. You are very original I enjoy your shop, talents and your spunk!! Keep it up and remember to copy can be a form a flattery!!
    Susan :)

  2. I visited Lots of shops when I was there last weekend and none of them had your originality! You are truly unique. Maybe you could try to take it as flattery. Afterall, you have a million ideas and not enough time to create them. Lots of us look to you for inspiration. Not that I ever condone copying. But you are setting creative trends! Keep inspiring and being lovely. Blessings... Polly

  3. I would say that you have definitely taken that extra step to make everything much more original and special. Your packaging is gorgeous and the use of old papers for decorative touches and shredded bits are wonderful. Anyone can stick a cut out bird on a bag. It's the personal touch and thought behind everything that makes something truly, authentically fabulous! Best wishes, Tammy

  4. I have to say I have felt this way recently as well. It's not a good feeling and it can really eat at you and keep you from sharing some of your good ideas at times. After speaking to a photographer friend of mine about this, she forwarded me this post from a well-known {and often copied photographer}
    She's discussing the photography industry, but the message rings true for any business. I hope you get the same comfort from this that I did.


  5. I love those papers hanging up!

  6. Hey sweet Tracey!! I know exactly what you mean! I do however think that your sack looks ah-mazing!! The little details that you put in are what make them special and stand out from the "others" You have so much to be proud of and I'm proud of you for keeping it "origional!" Way to go, girlie!! Keep up the awesome work!

  7. Hi! Love the paper.

    I am so looking forward to coming into your shop in July when I make it down to the french hens market! Better stock up, I'm a spender :) Lol.

  8. you are truly and original traci. your style is miles above others. they are trying to meet you. keep up the great work. i have been a fan of yours since the first moment i stepped in whimsy!!!

  9. We had this conversation a while ago, remember. You are a very creative person, and original.

    Once creativity is out there, you can't really guard it completely, you can only continue to create and let everyone know where the idea started. I think it is one of the main reasons I started a blog. At least that way people will become familiar with what I have been doing for nearly two decades, and can stop saying "You have stuff like blah, blah, blah,".....well, thats because they got it from me. It's great to inspire, but I think what hurts is when you don't get credit for that inspiration. Those who appreciate and give credit help keep the balance.

    Keep creating Traci, your friends and fans know the truth.

  10. Your presents are always the absolute best!! The wrapping is just as exciting as the gift and I have kept all of the wrappings too :)

  11. I stopped in the copy-cat store, and they gave you full credit for the idea, and said that your bags were much more 'done' than their bags. I agreed :). I LOVE giving gifts from your shop. The packaging is always sooo cute.

  12. musical note paper,shreds and decorated bags have been around for years its a trend that always looks cute but is not that original just look around everywhere :)

  13. Me and my mom love your bags!! Just remember... u were the first in Morris to step it up... And for all your loyal customers, its the down to earth, warm friendship like astmosphere that counts from you and your mom. The bags are an added bonus!! :)

  14. I absolutely love your blog and your style. A visit to your charming site never fails to cheer me up. I so identify with your plight. But, as wise King Solomon once wrote, There really is nothing new under the sun. I used to allow myself to get peeved and vexed whenever I perceived that someone was "copying" my ideas or style. Then one day, I realized what a waste of energy it was. So I made a decision to take that old saying to heart: "Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery." And you know what? It really is! For me, personally, it's the not getting credit for a unique or clever idea which hurts worse than the actual imitation. One final note: Just a few days ago I stumbled upon this quote by director/screenwriter Jim Jarmusch. It really contains so much truth and wisdom, and is helping me let go of my need to "own" my ideas: 'Nothing is original. Steal from anywhere that resonates with inspiration or fuels your imagination. Devour old films, new films, music, books, paintings, photographs, poems, dreams, random conversations, architecture, bridges, street signs, trees, clouds, bodies of water, light and shadows. Select only things to steal from that speak directly to your soul. If you do this, your work (and theft) will be authentic. Authenticity is invaluable; originality is non-existent. And don’t bother concealing your thievery - celebrate it if you feel like it. In any case, always remember what Jean-Luc Godard said: “It’s not where you take things from - it’s where you take them to." '
