
Sunday, November 14, 2010

Around the Shop

I have been busy filling the shop with so many festive holiday items...thought you might want to take a peek!

Tons of glittery ornaments!

I love this flocked winter greens garland...especially with the glittered star garland!

This is one of my favorite chairs I've had in the shop...sorry it just sold!

I'll be placing these paper flowers on all of my packages this year!

These were so fun to make!!  I used vintage horns and music note shreds!

I love vintage cream trees!  I bought this one but didn't care for the base so....

I covered it with music notes and glitter!

xo Traci


  1. looks gorgeous traci. hope to see you soon.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I'll try posting again where I finish the post before hitting "publish" ha!!

    The shop looks just simply amazing Traci! What a great theme and variety for Christmas!! Love love it!!
    ~Terrell @ Frou Frou Decor~

  4. Traci- I LOVE YOUR BLOG_ AND IM SURE YOUR STORE as, i am moving my shoppe and now have front windows, THANKS so much for such great inspiring ideas.
    You'll have to stop by , i will be using some of your great ideas..
    (New Follower & Fan)wish i lived closer.
