
Thursday, September 30, 2010

Kane County

I am all packed up and ready to go!!  I'll be selling at Kane county Flea Market in St. charles this Saturday and Sunday!  I'll be in my usual spot in the Poultry building!!  As you can tell from my picture my booth is going to be all about holiday items!!  See you there!!


  1. hi Tracy! it was SO GREAT to finally have met you this weekend!! you booth was amazing - your talent is apparent.....we have the same taste in quite a lot of the same merchandise...some of which I am selling at the barn sale ironically enough!
    Can't wait to see you Friday!!!!
    Anne Marie
    p.s. and thanks for handing out my flyers - it was so nice of you

  2. Traci, I bought your Merry Christmas suitcase last Saturday at kane county. I love, love, love it! No less than 20 people stopped me to ask where I got it, I told them the Whimsy booth. Even vendors said they'd go check you out on Sunday. Your space is always amazing, I can't wait to get to the store, maybe this weekend. Julie Jones
