
Monday, June 28, 2010

Busy Weekend!

Saturday was our french market! I got up at 3:15am to head to the market for set-up.  I was worried because it was pouring!!!  I know that our vendors put so much energy into getting ready for a show that I would hate to have a rainy day!  It ended up being a GREAT day...a tad warm but beautiful!  We had such a GREAT time!   Customers seemed really happy with our vendor selection! Here are a few pictures....

It was great to see some of our favorite bloggers at the market...
Thanks for joining us!!! 

Sunday I was thrilled to help Holly with her bridal shower she was throwing!  The bride and groom are going to Hawaii for their honeymoon so Holly wanted to go with a tropical cute!  What a lucky bride and groom!!!

Yes, those are fish in there!!


  1. so good seeing you saturday. the market was amazing. you girls do an awesome job. i am bummed i won't be able to make it in july. :( i will have a post up about the market tomorrow. xo!

  2. Hi Traci, have just found your blog and your lovely shop today, I love your shoppp, if only I lived there, I would have visited you very often .... have a great weekend !!
